The Langer's

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Leila's new thing is to go into the cupboard and dump all the cereal out.
Daph and Gabe had their first day of school today. They were excited about it.
I think this is beans on her face.
First day of school. We walk to school.
Gabe, Leila and I waiting in line to check him into his class.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Daphne got an Easy Bake Oven for her birthday so we had a birthday/tea party with the cake she made. It was delicious.
Her new oven.
These are some girls that were at their birthday party.
This is John enjoying his milk at the tea party.
We even had candles on the cake.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

On Saturday we had a birthday party for Daphne and Gabe. We invited 6 families to come over. It was fun. There were about 15 kids at the party. Some of the kids were older because it was their entire family that came over. We borrowed the churches bouncy house for the kids to jump in. They had a real fun time. It wasn't too hot out. After the birthday party we had a BBQ with hamburger and hot dogs. It was a fun day.
Daphne wanted princess decorations, of course, and Gabe wanted Incredibles decorations.
We got cakes from Baskin Robins. Gabe's cake had the Incredibles on it and it was bubble gum flavor with white cake.
We had to have a pinata. The kids thought that was fun. The chocolate candy melted thought. We should have thought of that.
Daphne wanted a princess cake that was cookie dough with chocolate cake.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Leila had to go to the Dr's. and get shots. She also had to have her blood drawn. It was a pretty sad event. It took 2 nurses and me to hold her down. They kept saying how strong she was. The nurses seemed pretty shaken by her screaming. I was used to it. They even had to shut the door to the lab. Poor girl.
Her arm owie.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

This is Gabe John and Daphne at the zoo.
Grandma Peggy and Leila posing in front of a big bird.
Grandma and Grandpa with the kids in front of Alcatraz
Grandpa had the privilege of driving us over the golden gate bridge.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Here is Leila having fun watching the kids open gifts grandma and grandpa brought.
We all went to Chuckie Cheese for Daph's birthday.
She got to wear the special birthday crown. Gabe loves the polar bears.
When Grandma and Grandpa came to visit we headed to the SF zoo. It was pretty fun. This is Daph with an anaconda

This is during.

This is also and after picture.
Leila has graduated to a big girl car seat. We are trying to get her used to it before our long drive to Colorado. She seems to like it.

This is the after picture. How cute.

Daphne wanted to get her hair cut for her birthday. So on her birthday we went and got it cut. She was happy. This is the before picture.