The Langer's

Friday, June 30, 2006

Leila enjoyed some pizza at her party.
After the party we had snowballs for cake.

Messy pizza face.
Daphne was upset for some reason. I can't remember.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Sorry I havn't put pictures up in a while but here are some new ones. These are the kids and Emelia at Bonfonte Gardens having fun.
For Leilas birthday we had lunch at Chucky Cheese. The kids had fun.
Very cute on her first birthday.

Monday, June 12, 2006

We went to Bonfonte Gardens on Friday and Daphne got a turn to drive.
that's Gabe on the train.
Leila got to ride the train too.
That's Daph driving daddy and Gabe around the track.
Gabe and Daph got to ride in the balloons.

Leila got into some green crayons.
We put the swings up for the kids to play with.
Gabe had just woke up from a nap so he was not very happy.
Leila likes her new swing.

Daphne was showing me her underwater skills.
They have been having fun playing in their pool.

They play until their lips turn blue. Gabe can only play for about 10 min. because he has no body fat.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Leila was enjoying a snackwhile Daphne and Gabe were playing outside.
We were playing "peek" around the corner.
She was being very cute.
Dad and Leila.
Leila looks out the door wishing she could have fun in the pool with the kids.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

They were just making funny faces at me.

Daphne showing off her sunburn.

Having fun plalying in the water.

I did put sunblock on them but maybe not enough. They both got a little sunburned.
Gabe just told me that the pool was "hecka fun." "Hecka" is a California slang term. I don't think it is said in Minnesota yet. Gabe hecka loves it.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

We got a new slip n' slide and the kids have been playing in it all weekend.
We went to Bonfonte Gardens and Leila was having fun playing in the water by the drain.
Gabe was sad for some reason.
Then happy.
Daphne is in the blue swim suit playing at Bonfonte Gardens.