The Langer's

Sunday, May 28, 2006

I was taking pictures of Gabe to be used as a back ground for a Jr. Kids church name tag. So I told him to make funny faces, so I thought you might enjoy these.

We used this one.
He wanted me to use this one.

We were trying to get some good pictures taken of the kids when they were
all cleaned up and looking nice.
Gabe's a super stud.
Her front teeth and getting nice and big now.
She got to go to big kids church this week so she was very happy about that.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Daphne learned some new tricks.
This entertained them for most of the night.
We played photo shoot.
Gabe taught Daphne the new tricks.
Very Sweet.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Proud of his big sister.
Daphne lost her first tooth.
Here it is.
Pre-tooth loss.
Post-tooth loss. The new one is ready to move up. I hope.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Two bumps on a log.
Pretty Purple.
John and Leila bonding.
Just cute.
Sitting under the fishies.

An eel at the aquarium.
Leila just being cute.
Grandma Peggy looking at fish with the kids.
The view of our street. Very exciting.
I have roses, that grow.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Gabe and Leila practicing their clapping skills.
Leila looking cute.
Gabe looking cute.
Leila and her new duck slippers from Grandma Donna.
Leila likes to beg at the table like a little puppy.

Friday, May 12, 2006

On the beach during gramma and grampa's visit
That is some cold water
all the kids at the aquarium
Daph and Gabe chillin by the penguins
This is our new home (still don't have CA plates)